Do this BEFORE Christmas is here!

holiday pictures tips for taking pics Dec 20, 2022

Have you ever come home from an amazing party, event or even a vacation and realized you didn't take one stinking picture? Or maybe you took a few but forgot to take photos of you and your spouse, your kids or even friends and family you rarely get to see?

You kick yourself for missing the moment. 

Don't let that happen this week as you celebrate Christmas with your loved ones!

Instead, make a quick and simple list of the people you want pictures of! Obviously, you're not going to carry it around with you... that would be weird. But thinking about it ahead of time will make you that much more intentional. 

Here are a few ideas... pick what works best for you! 


  • Open the notes app on your phone 
  • Click the button in the bottom right corner to start a new note
  • Add a title at the top (ex: Christmas Pics 2022)
  • Click the checklist icon just to the left of the camera icon
  • List all of the pictures/people you want to take


  • Send a quick text to yourself of all the pictures you want to make sure you capture.


  • Make a quick and simple list on a sticky note and put it in your car as a reminder before you head in to spend time with your loved ones. 

I know making lists of pictures to take may seem silly. But we have all been so busy that the day comes and goes and we HAVE forgotten to capture such precious moments we can't get back. 

AND... I have also seen the power of pictures in so many ways from providing connection in loneliness, healing when there is loss and keeping memories alive that might otherwise be forgotten. 

So plan ahead and be bold in asking your people to take a quick picture or two. And don't forget to make sure YOU are in a few of them too! 

Merry Christmas!