How to Quickly Create a Record of Your Belongings Before it's Too Late!

emergency preparedness home inventory May 21, 2024

Whether you watch the news, scroll social media, or have friends and family in other parts of the country, you have probably heard heartbreaking stories of people facing devastating loss from recent weather related events! 

It’s easy to think, “That’s so sad, but it would never happen to me.” But ask anyone who has faced, or is currently facing loss and they thought the exact same thing!

And if we look at some of the more recent record breaking weather across our country, it seems likely this could be our future!  

  • Spring 2024- sadly, there is already an incredibly long list of storms that have devastated communities across our country, including 15 states that have experienced tornadoes leaving thousands of families homeless 
  • Record rainfall in Southern California (Feb 2024)- resulting in floods and mudslides that damaged or destroyed over 500,000 homes 
  • Smokehouse Creek Fire, TX (Feb 2024)- largest wildfire in Texas history that burned over one million acres and hundreds of homes, farms and ranches. 
  • Maui fire (Aug 2023)- ranks among the top 10 deadliest US wildfires on record, destroying over 2,000 homes
  • Marshall Fire (Dec 2021)- one of Colorado's most destructive wildfires that destroyed over 1,000 structures in a small suburban community near Boulder

So don't wait until it's too late! Even if you take just a few baby steps, you can do more than you think to prepare your home and family!

Start by taking a quick VIDEO home inventory! In just an hour or two you can create a detailed record of your belongings, which will come in handy if you ever have to submit a claim to your insurance company. This will not only expedite the recovery process but save you time and stress when you will have other, more important things to think about!

I'd love to walk you through the process and have an online class with all the resources and information you need to get this done as soon as possible! 

Click below to get started and use coupon code: 
MAY2024 for 10% off.

How to Create a Quick Home Inventory


We just had a tornado watch yesterday and while I was still worried, I had peace of mind knowing I have taken steps to protect my home and family just in case and would love to help you do the same!

And if you want to take additional steps such as preparing a quick evacuation plan, organize your important documents for quick and easy access or learn how to make sure you have enough homeowner's coverage please check out our other online classes by clicking HERE! 

I look forward to helping you take action before we see even more crazy weather this year!

All the best, 