Save Time & Stress with THE Best Search Tool Yet! ✨🔍

photo app tips Sep 24, 2024

Have you noticed recent changes to your photo app?

Well, you're not crazy! Apple and Google both released updates this month that will make using their photo apps even easier but, as with anything new, it will take some getting used to on your part!

I hope to ease your stress through this transition by sharing a little each week so you can check out the updates one step at a time instead of feeling like you have to dive in at once... especially if you're short on time during this busy fall season! 

If you missed last week's tip, click HERE to learn more about navigating the new layout of your photo app. 


Search Tool 
This week, I want to show you how Apple and Google have enhanced the already amazing search tool in your photo app by using the help of AI to narrow down your search even more!

You can now type in specific SETS of keywords and your app will sort through thousands of photos to find exactly what you're looking for!


iPhone/Apple Photos Users 
  • Open the Photos app from your phone
  • Click the search tool at the top of your screen (blue circle with magnifying glass)
  • Type in sets of keywords to narrow down your search, for example: baby/videos, mountains/dog/hiking, Alex/football/2024, travel/Europe/2017
Google Photos Users 
  • Open the Google Photos app from your phone
  • Click the search menu at the bottom of your screen
  • Type in sets of keywords to narrow down your search, for example: baby/videos, mountains/dog/hiking, Alex/football/2024, travel/Europe/2017


Searching has never been so easy, saving you both time and stress next time you need to quickly find a photo!


All the best,