The Power of a Single Photo

Jul 26, 2022

A single photo can tell a story like nothing else can.

It can bring back details of a memory you didn't even know you had or one you hadn't thought about for months, years or even decades.

A single photo can take you back to the sights, sounds and smells from a moment in time. It can even trigger powerful emotions. 

A single photo has that much power. 

Last week, my mom came across this gem while looking through old albums. I'm not sure I had ever even seen this picture of me and my cousin but I was so glad my mom shared it with me! 

She was the closest in age to me of my 14 cousins and probably the one I spent the most time with as a kid. 

Memories came flooding back of our little weekend sleepovers either up in the mountains at my cousin's house or down in the city at mine.

Looking at this photo reminded me of her amazing laugh. She had such a carefree spirit and was so much fun to be around. 

Our matching mullets made me giggle too! We were typical kids of the 80's and loved our style, music and even being bored without the constant distraction of technology. We would talk about life, school, family, play outside and look through magazines. Those were the days... life felt so simple.  

Sadly, my cousin lost her life 13 years ago. She was meant for such great things and it's heart-breaking she didn't have more time. We all miss her and know she would have loved growing old with us!

And... I'm so glad I have pictures of her to share with my kids who never got the chance to meet her. I ended up going through my own pictures and found even more of her in her 20s with that same beautiful smile. 

I told my kids stories about her this week and had my own little walk down memory lane.

You never know when you'll come across an old photo or need to go looking for one, but I promise at some point in life you'll want to have access to old printed pictures in order to share stories and reminisce with your own kids and grandkids. 

And don't overlook the fact that the moments you capture today will be someone else's "old" pictures and stories so capture it all regardless of how big or small it feels.

Future generations will thank you someday when they have their own stories to share. 

All the best,