Organize Hundreds of Pics in Just a Few Clicks!

create digital album organization May 30, 2023

Our oldest son graduated from high school this weekend and there was no shortage of pictures! I have over 200 on my phone between his last day of school, senior banquet, graduation and all of the parties that followed! 

I'm not sure if you have a graduate this year but I'm sure you have had other reasons to take hundreds of pictures in a short period of time whether for a vacation, wedding, milestone birthday or other celebration!  

Before all those great memories get lost in your photo stream, take a minute to organize your pictures in one place! All it takes is a few clicks to create an album which will make finding and sharing your pictures so much easier down the road!


Apple Users

How to Create an Album:  

  1. Open the Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "ALBUMS" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner
  4. Select "New Album"
  5. Give your album a title such as "MHS Graduation 2023" and click "SAVE"
  6. Select your pictures
  7. Click "DONE" in the top right corner

How to Quickly Find & Share Your Pictures: 

  1. Open the Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "Albums" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Find and open your album


Google Photos Users 

Create an Album:  

  1. Open the Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner to create a new album
  4. Give your album a title such as "MHS Graduation 2023" and click "DONE" in the bottom left corner
  5. Click "SELECT PHOTOS"
  6. Select your pictures
  7. Click "ADD" in the top right corner

How to Quickly Find & Share Your Pictures 

  1. Open the Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "Library" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Find and open your album


If you own a home and have lots of stuff join the club!

Hopefully, you have a home inventory but if not I'd love to help motivate you to get this done so your family is as prepared as possible just in case you ever experience loss or damage to your home! 

For more information, check out my recent podcast on
 Apple or Spotify or our online Step-by-Step Home Inventory class which will guide you through the process!


I hope you enjoy these last few days of May! 

All the best, 